The food is the same as in the land of the big PX but it's got a few differences. As part of this truly segregated society of always visible men and almost invisible women all the restaurants have two completely different sections. One is for "Singles" and one is for "Families". What that really means is that one is for men and one is for any group with women and/or children. The only place I have seen any mix is in the food court at the Mall of Dharhan.
I have attached a shot of of our local Mickey D so you can see it. Take the different entrances, add the kooky hours with all the closings for prayer time and such and you will find that you really have to make an effort to eat here.
"They may despise our morals but they love our food."
Yup, besides, when they feel the need the burn and pillage, just head down the road eh. Can America claim to have brought you the drive-thru pillage as well. :)
It never ceases to amaze me how they like to loath the west and all about it, but are happy to take western goods and money. Shouldn't really surprise anyone though, some of these folks think that 9/11 was an American-Jewish conspiracy and also a great victory for them, go figure.
Pay more homage to the magical kingdom!
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